Mon 27 Jan
*SexIesT!*HerE 2 AssuRE U NeW PlEAsurE!* PrOMisE 2 B A wOnDerFuL TreAt!* GeT JaZZeD! **SpeCiAls!!* - 25
(Medford, medford incalls,ashland,white city area)
Sexual enhancement right now!!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Right here, Roseburg, Salem)
*SexIesT!*HerE 2 AssuRE U NeW PlEAsurE!* NeW PiCs* GeT JaZZeD! **SpeCiAls!!* - 25
(Medford, medford incalls,ashland,white city area)
☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL €Ð ☆ Aw§oM€L¥ G¡F†€D ☆ Highly ReViewed - 23
(Medford, Airport/ incall only)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Roseburg, Salem)
♡_♡ Lebanese Bombshell ♡_♡ In Town Tonight Only °° BOOK NOW!! - 25
(Medford, Medford, C.P, G.P, Ashland, Talent area)
She may treat you ok but i can treat you better, Bet that.......... ............. ........... - 26
(Medford, Medford, ashland)
*SexIesT!*ThE PEopleS ChOIce!* Uve TrIeD ThE ResT!* NoW hAVe THe BEsT!!*wAt Eva u lIKe! *SpeCiAls!!* - 25
(Medford, medford,ashland,white city area)
♡_♡ Lebanese Bombshell ♡_♡ In Town Tonight Only °° BOOK NOW!! - 25
(Medford, Medford, C.P, G.P, Ashland, Talent area)
Sat 11 Jan
!!!Their is a first time for everything 2 beautiful girls to fufill ur fantacy!!! - 23
(Medford, medford, grants pass, ashland, area)
*SexIesT!*HerE 2 AssuRE U NeW PlEAsurE!* NeW PiCs* GeT JaZZeD! **SpeCiAls!!* - 25
(Medford, medford incalls,ashland,white city area)
Fri 10 Jan
*100% *PuRe pLeaSurE!* iT gEtS No BetTa!**WarM uP uR LiFe**GeT JaZZeD!* specials! **L00k heRe** - 25
(Medford, medford incalls,ashland,white city,area)
Thu 09 Jan
Every Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Details
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Wed 08 Jan
*SexIesT!*HerE 2 AssuRE U NeW PlEAsurE!* PrOMisE 2 B A wOnDerFuL TreAt!* GeT JaZZeD! **SpeCiAls!!* - 25
(Medford, medford incalls,ashland,white city area)
Tue 07 Jan
*New in Town* 💋Exotic Latina Playmate.....Ready & waiting for you💋 - 22
(Medford, Medford and surrounding areas)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
*SexIesT!*ThE PEopleS ChOIce!* Uve TrIeD ThE ResT!* NoW hAVe THe BEsT!!*wAt Eva u lIKe! *SpeCiAls!!* - 25
(Medford, medford,ashland,white city area)
*100% *PuRe pLeaSurE!* iT gEtS No BetTa!**WarM uP uR LiFe**GeT JaZZeD!* specials! **L00k heRe** - 25
(Medford, medford incalls,ashland,white city,area)
Fri 03 Jan