Mon 27 Jan
»-★-» THE -★-» BEST »-★» YOU »-★-» EVER »-★-» HAD! »-★-» SPECIALS - 24
(Medford, Medford, Ashland, GP, Eagle Point)
Sat 11 Jan
»-★-» THE -★-» BEST »-★» YOU »-★-» EVER »-★-» HAD! »-★-» SPECIALS - 24
(Medford, Medford, Ashland, GP, Eagle Point)
[☆] ♛[THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛ [☆] DeLiCiOus [☆] ♛ [☆] SwEet & LoVeLy [☆] ♛1000% ME!! [☆]♛[☆] - 21
(Central point, Eagle point, G.P. Medford, Medford)
Wed 08 Jan
♦Don't settle for less when YOU deserve the BEST....ME!💋 - 21
(Medford, Eagle Point, Klamath Falls, Medford)
Tue 07 Jan
»-★-» THE -★-» BEST »-★» YOU »-★-» EVER »-★-» HAD! »-★-» SPECIALS - 24
(Medford, Medford, Ashland, GP, Eagle Point)
»-★-» THE -★-» BEST »-★» YOU »-★-» EVER »-★-» HAD! »-★-» SPECIALS - 24
(Medford, Medford, Ashland, GP, Eagle Point)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
♦Don't settle for less when YOU deserve the BEST....ME!💋 - 21
(Medford, Eagle Point, Klamath Falls, Medford)
[☆] ♛[THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛ [☆] DeLiCiOus [☆] ♛ [☆] SwEet & LoVeLy [☆] ♛1000% ME!! [☆]♛[☆] - 21
(Central point, Eagle point, G.P. Medford, Medford)
Thu 02 Jan