Sat 11 Jan
( ( 100$ SPECiAL💛 BOMBSHELL ) ) )_ _ ❌⭕❌_ _ 💛 SUPER CUTE BLONDE💛_ _ ❌⭕❌ _ _( 💛PARTY GIRL - 24
(Medford, Medford InCaLLs SpEciAls)
*SexIesT!*HerE 2 AssuRE U NeW PlEAsurE!* NeW PiCs* GeT JaZZeD! **SpeCiAls!!* - 25
(Medford, medford incalls,ashland,white city area)
SWeeT 🌼 GirL🌺 NEXT-DooR 🌻🌻🌻who HAPPENS 2 💝 OLDER MEN‼️‼️ - 24
(Bend, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, salem Monmouth Dallas independence)
~°~ Sexy, Classy, INDEPENDENT Provider ~°~ Medford Incalls°~° - 36
(Medford, medford~incalls/Outcalls)
A phone call away from experiencing the BEST time of your life💋💋 - 21
(Medford, Medford, Grants Pass)
I'm back~HUGE BOOTY, blonde beauty 100% real reviewed & Recommended. Hablo Español… 40DDD'S - 25
(Medford, Incall/Outcalls 503-960-6970 llama me !!)
Stunning Exquisite Playful Brunette Beauty Incall Airport hh & Fh. HappyHour Specials intill 7pm - 20
(Medford, medford Incall & Outcalls 24/7)
💣💣💣VIP Exotic &Wild; hottie💣💣💣 out late & eager to please💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣 - 23
(Medford, outcalls and incalls)
Fri 10 Jan
💯%REAL✔【Complete💘 Sweetie】 ✓ 【Sexy & Seductive】✓【CuRveY Bombshell 】✓ 🏩Incall 6O Special❗😘 - 23
(Medford, Medford Incalls n Outcalls)
{♥} :*: U.R :*:L.i.T.T.L.E :*: S.E.C.R.E.T :*: {♥} * ViSiTinG* - 22
(Medford, Incalls in Medford)
New In Town* Alert Highly addictive* Last Night InTown* - 21
(Medford, Medford Hosting Incalls & Outcalls)
XoX __ ☆ GoRgEoUs ( *Hot BrUnEtTe* ) ♥ ExTrA NaUgHtY ( *1OO InCall Specials* ) - 22
(Portland, southeast pdx incalls)
( ( 100$ SPECiAL💛 BOMBSHELL ) ) )_ _ ❌⭕❌_ _ 💛 SUPER CUTE BLONDE💛_ _ ❌⭕❌ _ _( 💛PARTY GIRL - 24
(Medford, Medford InCaLLs SpEciAls)
[[VISITING]] ♥ Well Reviewed Sexy Ebony Bombshell ♥ [[VISITNG]] - 25
(Medford, Medford Incall.Outcall)
♥ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((To Leave You ) ) S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D ♥ - 21
(Portland, Se off 205.. incalls only please)
🍒♦️ THiCK •SLiM• SPINNER🍒♦️FreakY 🍒♦️🍒ClassY 🍒♦️100% real ️pixs. OUtCaLlS - 22
(Ashland, Medford, Medford)
* New pics ☎♥ I can put the smile on your face ☎♥ incalls. ☎♥ - 24
(Medford, medford,ashland,grantspass)
OMG LOOK ★GiGaNtIC CaNtElOpE Kn(oCkErS★ CuRvY★(SaMoAN MiX) ★(44Jj) ★ExOtIc FaCE★ - 23
(Medford, Medford incalls /out calls)
OpEn-MinDed Fetish Friendly BlonDe💎💗Ready to Play💎 Avaliable 24/7 - 23
(Medford, Medford.Grants Pass.Central Point.Ashlan)
🆕🆕CLICK HERE ➜➜ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ° EXØTiC BABE👅💦👄 [[1OO%REÁL]] 👅💦👄 KILLER BODY • T!GHT & CREAMY 🎀 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ - 22
Addictive SiZZLiNG HOT Kendra. VISITING.... HIGHLY Reviewed.. *** Visiting *** - 27
*100% *PuRe pLeaSurE!* iT gEtS No BetTa!**WarM uP uR LiFe**GeT JaZZeD!* specials! **L00k heRe** - 25
(Medford, medford incalls,ashland,white city,area)
$80$ Out-Call Hump Day Special * Let me add some Latin Spice to your Wednesday~* - 24
(Medford, Medford incalls/outcalls)
♥ I will DO what SHE WONT ♥ Proceed With CAUTION: You WILL Become ADDICTED ♥ - 35
(Medford, medford-incalls/ outcalls)
Georgia's #1 REDHEAD ... ... V.I.S.I.T.I.N.G ... ... MEDFORD and doing INCALLS 24/7 ! - 20
(Medford INCALLS)
~~~~~cOMe TAke A lOOk hOt MiXed EbOnY rEAdY 2 ExPlOrE oN yOuR bOdy~~~~ - 19
(Medford((in-call)),Out-calls Vary)
♥★ §weet ☆♥☆ Slim & Sexy☆✶ Petite & Busty ✶•ITALIAN• ✶ Addictive HOTTIE EarlyBird Special - 21
(Medford, medford Airport incalls only 420Frendliy)
Nastasha Stacks ~ LEAVING @ 1am 503..960..6970 $100 incalls ALL night!!! Will return soon! - 24
(Medford, DT Medford incalls 503.960..6970)
★★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ★ SEXY EXOTIC★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★ EUROPEAN ★▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★UP ALL NIGHT▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★★ - 20
(Medford, incalls//outcalls)
🔥 ❌❌❌.RΛT€D 💎LaTiNa-GiRL💎 【SL¡ppєrY & T¡GHT 】»★ 【 δωεε† & Warm RΞΛÐ¥ NOW - 22
(Medford, Medford InCaLLs SpEciAls)
Thu 09 Jan
👄💫№➊ SeXy🌟 Exotic BoMbShElL 💖✦❣ 💯% ➜EXOTIC💦 【HIGHLY SKILLED 😏📲 ♠️Killer BODY♠️✨👙♣ - 23 - 23
(Medford, Medford Incalls Outcalls)
[[VISITING]] ♥ Well Reviewed Sexy Ebony Bombshell ♥ [[VISITNG]] - 26
(Medford, Medford Incall.Outcall)
*¨¨*-: ¦♥ ;:-* Where Anything Can Happen **¨¨*-: ♥¦ :- - 25
(Medford and Surrounding Areas)
Warm & Ready To Please Your Needs 💦💦, Come Have Fun With Lexis 😘 - 20
(Medford, medford incall outcall)
♥NÅuGhTy VixeN ♥ · ´¯*★ GoRGeouS BoDy . .· ´¯*★ rEaL PhoTos . .· ´¯*★ VerY KInky . .· ´¯* - 20
(Medford, north medford)
Friday night fun 💦💕late night relax and have a good time with angel 💕 - 20
(Medford, Medford 🏨incalls 🚘outcalls to u)
Ch0cL@T3 bUnNi3 Medford Incalls 💋ToE CuRLiNg S.k.i.L.L.Z💋 Ple@sure Awaits 💋 510-759-2145 - 21
(Medford, Medford Incalls)
♥FR€ak¥ ★;S€XY! °•★ Fl¡RtY*ÂN €XP€®I€NC€ YÕU'LL N€V€R FÕ®G€T♥ HURRY 80$ TODAY - 21
(Medford, South Medford)
PORNSTAR Brianna Love❤️ is here to Tease & Please U!! Come watch me twerk on your joystick 💦💦💋💋💋 - 30
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
= = = = = > ❤️😜❤️😜Fantastic Service With A Young Skilled Ebony🎀😜🎀 < = = = = - 20
(Medford, Medford Upscale Incalls/outcalls)
🔥 ❌❌❌.RΛT€D 💎LaTiNa-GiRL💎 【SL¡ppєrY & T¡GHT 】»★ 【 δωεε† & Warm RΞΛÐ¥ NOW - 22
(Medford, Medford InCaLLs SpEciAls)
_NEW GIRL InTown_ E X O T I C_ Green eyed_B E A U T Y [MEDFORD leaving at 1pm] - 22
♛ ♛ The Royal Treatment is Waiting Right Here!! Incall aalnite 2 girl & 100 spec. - 25
(Medford, Ashland, Central Point)
❎❎Party girl❎❎❎ SeDucTive❤ Horny💢5🌟SerVice🌹 ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ 🍭24/7✦ (iNCaLLS)✦(OuTcaLL$)✦❎❎ - 22
Wed 08 Jan
OMG LOOK ★GiGaNtIC CaNtElOpE Kn(oCkErS★ CuRvY★(SaMoAN MiX) ★(44Jj) ★ExOtIc FaCE★ - 23
(Medford, Medford incalls /out calls)
* New pics ☎♥ I can put the smile on your face ☎♥ incalls. ☎♥ - 24
(Medford, medford,ashland,grantspass)
Incalls ONLY ╠╣ot! 100Hhr 🌸180Hr╠╣ot! Passing Through leaving @12pm - 23
(Medford, Medford, Medford Grant Pass)
[[VISITING]] ♥ Well Reviewed Sexy Ebony Bombshell ♥ [[VISITNG]] - 25
(Medford, Medford Incall.Outcall)
*SexIesT!*HerE 2 AssuRE U NeW PlEAsurE!* PrOMisE 2 B A wOnDerFuL TreAt!* GeT JaZZeD! **SpeCiAls!!* - 25
(Medford, medford incalls,ashland,white city area)
______Special ❤* ❤* Visiting ❤* ❤* ❤* COME PLAY *❤* ❤* ❤* Beauty ❤* ❤ Special______ - 19
(Medford, Medford Incalls)
Ebony Playmate, with amazing tricks up her sleeves; UR Naughty Pleasure! - 21
(Medford, Medford/Central Point -incalls ONLY-)
ANY _★___WAY __★___ YOU __★___ WANT __ ★__ IT __ ! - 19
(Medford, North Riverside Medford incalls/outcalls)
$80$ & Out-Call Saturday Special* Let me add some Latin Spice to your Wednesday~* - 24
(Medford, Medford incalls/outcalls)
😘Attention ❗️❗️❗️ Pure Mixed Juciy Treat 💦💦 24/7 Outcalls / Incalls - 20
(Medford, medford incall outcall)
Only Here Few Days°○ ♛THE 💋PERFECT 💋TREAT💋👯—Available N0W! MoSt SaTiSfInG HeRe - 23
(Medford, Medford incalls and outcalls)
° GUARANTEED to Aquire an ADDICTION° TONIGHT Only! ° WHITE men over 40 ONLY ° NO Texts ° - 37
(Medford, medford incalls)