Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Taste Like Candy 🍯Exoctic & Sweet 🍭🍭 Dont Miss Out On Me 🍫🍫🍫 - 20
(Medford, Medford, incalls & outcalls)
She may treat you ok but i can treat you better, Bet that.......... ............. ........... - 26
(Medford, Medford, ashland)
***So AdOrAbLe ** AMaZiNg sKiLlS ** VeRy AdDiCtIvE** SPECIALS Today!!! - - 20
(Medford, Medfrod*Ashland/ Incalls)
______Special ❤* ❤* Visiting ❤* ❤* ❤* COME PLAY *❤* ❤* ❤* Beauty ❤* ❤ Special______ - 19
(Medford, Medford Incalls)
❎❎Party girl❎❎❎ SeDucTive❤ Horny💢5🌟SerVice🌹 ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ 🍭24/7✦ (iNCaLLS)✦(OuTcaLL$)✦❎❎ - 22
[[VISITING]] ♥ Well Reviewed Sexy Ebony Bombshell ♥ [[VISITNG]] - 27
(Medford, Medford Incall.Outcall)
💖❤❤❤♥╠╣E╚╚O♥❤❤❤🎯 New ✤ Young # 1 C H O I CE —:¦:S T O P HERE~💗~ SUPER CUTiE ! - 21
(Medford, Medford Incalls&Outcalls; Surr.Areas)
100 Early Bird Special! INCALLS! 😍😍 Super Sexy Caribbean Sweetheart! - 22
(Medford, Medford Grants Pass Incalls & Outcalls)
Let Me Be Your Dirty Little Secret *** Exotic Brunette Eye Candy ** Limited Time Only - 25
(Medford and Surrounding Areas)
lATE NIghTS °*•—— •*° —EaRLY —°*• MOrNing's —•*° —24/7 - - 19
(Medford, medford oregon incalls and outcalls)
🌹Extremely Gorgeous🌹Incall & Outcall ☎️ 5 Star Skills✔🔥️Mixed Eye Candy 🔥No Rush 100% Independent - 23
(Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Medford Incalls, Oregon Coast, Roseburg)
💋 60$pecial 👑 SWeET 💖 IN°· ALL ·° ThE 💙 RIgHT 💗 PlAcES 💚BLOnDe N ThIcK - 24
(Medford, Medford Incalls n Outcalls)
[[VISITING]] ♥ Well Reviewed Sexy Ebony Bombshell ♥ [[VISITNG]] - 25
(Medford, Medford Incall.Outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
Up ALL Night (¯`★´¯) ° H_ O _ T °° B _ L _ O _ N _ D _ E ° (¯`★´¯) Avail NOW - 21
(Medford, Medford incalls outcalls last night here)
Stunning Exquisite Playful Brunette Beauty Incall Airport hh & Fh. HappyHour Specials intill 7pm - 20
(Medford, medford Incall & Outcalls 24/7)
🔥 ❌❌❌.RΛT€D 💎LaTiNa-GiRL💎 【SL¡ppєrY & T¡GHT 】»★ 【 δωεε† & Warm RΞΛÐ¥ NOW - 22
(Medford, Medford InCaLLs SpEciAls)
_NEW GIRL InTown_ E X O T I C_ Green eyed_B E A U T Y [MEDFORD leaving at 1pm] - 22
*°*°* New Gurl in Town •⚫Exotic & Jaw Droppin'⚫• Body Of A Goddess⚫• Catch Me While You Can ! *°*°* - 22
(Medford, Medford Incalls .)
NEW PICS ★GiGaNtIC CaNtElOpE Kn(oCkErS★ CuRvY★(SaMoAN MiX) ★(44Jj) ★ExOtIc FaCE★ - 23
(Medford, Medford incalls /out calls)
🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺Pretty Little MsMadisonGray🌺🌺🌺 Now In Medford , NEW TO OREGON🌺🌺 INCALLS&& OUTCALLS🌺🌺🌺🌺 - 19
(Incalls && Outcalls, Medford)
lATE NIghTS °*•—— •*° —EaRLY —°*• MOrNing's —•*° —24/7 - - 19
(Medford, medford oregon incalls and outcalls)
~~~~~cOMe TAke A lOOk hOt MiXed EbOnY rEAdY 2 ExPlOrE oN yOuR bOdy~~~~ - 19
(Medford((in-call)),Out-calls Vary)
▓★ {——— P€TiT€———} ✰ ßrUnEtT€ ✰ {——— ßoMßSh€ll ———} ★▓ NEW IN TOWN :) - 21
(Medford, Medford Incall & Outcall)
New In Town!! Serious Callers Only All You Can Eat Incalls available!!! - 21
🎀Klamath falls Tuseday 🎀Gorgeous 🎀Tight 🎀Classy & Upscale country girl🎣🎣 - 25
(Klamath Falls, Klamath falls out/incall, Medford)
🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺Pretty Little MsMadisonGray🌺🌺🌺 Now In Medford , NEW TO OREGON🌺🌺 INCALLS&& OUTCALLS🌺🌺🌺🌺 - 19
(Incalls && Outcalls, Medford)
💖 Ebony petite spinner 💖 100%me or its free🎀 (Sexy Sad'e) taste like candy! 🍫🍬🍭incalls! - 20
(Medford, Medford incall only!)
😍💄 Diamondz💎the real pleasure💦👙👠back in town come play now😘💦🍆 - 20
(Medford, Medford and aourounding areas)
Busty DD'z ★ ——— SUPER SEXY BLoNDE BoMBSHeLL ! ——— ★ Busty DD'z - 21
(Medford, Sexy Medford incalls now!!)
Fetish Fridays Ferociously Fantastic Female Karmen Sandiego (3.6.0) 6..7..0 - 1..2..3..1 - 24
(Medford, Ashland Medford incalls 24/7)
(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) __X_Â_C__L_ ¥ ; _W_H_Â_ ° _U_ ; Ñ__ _Ð ° (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 22
(Medford, Medford, Incalls)
💯%REAL✔【Complete💘 Sweetie】 ✓ 【Sexy & Seductive】✓【CuRveY Bombshell 】✓ 🏩Incall 6O Special❗😘 - 23
(Medford, Medford Incalls n Outcalls)
*¨¨*-: ¦♥ ;:-* Where Anything Can Happen **¨¨*-: ♥¦ :- - 25
(Medford and Surrounding Areas)
Sun 05 Jan
Passing through !!!! Stop calling theses girls & call a real WOMEN💥💥💥killer curves - 23
(Medford, outcalls and incalls)
☆☆💋Soft💋 Lips! 💋☆☆45 min100 incall spec TNA Reviewed! Mature SexyJEWELZ 503💜214💗o68oEspañol - 44
(ne portland airport area, Portland)
SWeeT 🌼 GirL🌺 NEXT-DooR 🌻🌻🌻who HAPPENS 2 💝 OLDER MEN‼️‼️ - 24
(Bend, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, salem Monmouth Dallas independence)
▓★ {——— P€TiT€———} ✰ ßrUnEtT€ ✰ {——— ßoMßSh€ll ———} ★▓ NEW IN TOWN :) - 21
(Medford, Medford Incall & Outcall)
💜BEAUTIFUL BRUNETTE [✿$€Ӝ¥ ρℓαγℳαte]🔥[💜]🌟№➊ HOTTIE🌟[💜]♛uℓtiℳαtε ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ 🌟VISITING - 22
(Discreet Incalls &Outcalls; (Medford), Medford)
Fetish Fridays Ferociously Fantastic Female Karmen Sandiego (3.6.0) 6..7..0 - 1..2..3..1 - 24
(Medford, Ashland Medford incalls 24/7)
Gentlemen, Diamond is back by popular demand INCALLS ONLY - 23
(Medford, Medford / Ashland / Grant Pass)
💋 60$pecial 👑 SWeET 💖 IN°· ALL ·° ThE 💙 RIgHT 💗 PlAcES 💚BLOnDe N ThIcK - 24
(Medford, Medford Incalls n Outcalls)
▄▀❤▀▄♕▄▀❤▀▄💋 B A D G I R L no1 does it better!!💋 ▄▀❤▀▄♕▄▀❤▀▄ Brittany - 26
(Medford, medford and all over)
Georgia's #1 REDHEAD ... ... V.I.S.I.T.I.N.G ... ... MEDFORD and doing INCALLS 24/7 ! - 20
(Medford INCALLS)
;*?*; G O R GE O U S ** BLUE EYED ** B L O N D E **~C O L L E GE **HO T TI E **;» - 21
💖❤❤❤♥╠╣E╚╚O♥❤❤❤🎯 New ✤ Young # 1 C H O I CE —:¦:S T O P HERE~💗~ SUPER CUTiE ! - 21
(Medford, Medford Incalls&Outcalls; Surr.Areas)
😘Attention ❗️❗️❗️ Pure Mixed Juciy Treat 💦💦 24/7 Outcalls / Incalls - 20
(Medford, medford incall outcall)
♥FR€ak¥ ★;S€XY! °•★ Fl¡RtY*ÂN €XP€®I€NC€ YÕU'LL N€V€R FÕ®G€T♥ HURRY 80$ TODAY - 21
(Medford, South Medford)
ßLÂCK PÂN†¡€§ ßLÂCK H€€L§ º·○●☆★●○·º ©ØM€ §€€ HØW §Øft TH!$ NÂW†Y Girl f€€L$ - 26
(Medford, rouge valley)
█▒█»——» ★DING!! ★DING!! ★DING!! »——» ★ (((((((((( J A C K P O T )))))))))) ★ *¨¨*: ★ :YouR A WINNER! - 23
(Medford, medford and surrounding areas)
🔥 ❌❌❌.RΛT€D 💎LaTiNa-GiRL💎 【SL¡ppєrY & T¡GHT 】»★ 【 δωεε† & Warm RΞΛÐ¥ NOW - 22
(Medford, Medford InCaLLs SpEciAls)
______Special ❤* ❤* Visiting ❤* ❤* ❤* COME PLAY *❤* ❤* ❤* Beauty ❤* ❤ Special______ - 19
(Medford, Medford Incalls)
Sat 04 Jan
**~Mixed Playmate^READY 4 HOTT FUN^ *Amazing Skills*** - 21
(Medford, Medford, GP, Central point, Ashland)
PORNSTAR Brianna Love❤️ is here to Tease & Please U!! Come watch me twerk on your joystick 💦💦💋💋💋 - 30
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Platinum 【☯】BLonDE 💋INCALL && OUTCALL 💋 ❤Brittany❤ F€Tii$H Ⓕ Ⓡ Ⓔ Ⓐ Ⓚ - 26
(Medford, incall and out call)
ßLÂCK PÂN†¡€§ ßLÂCK H€€L§ º·○●☆★●○·º ©ØM€ §€€ HØW §Øft TH!$ NÂW†Y Girl f€€L$ - 26
(Medford, rouge valley)
NeW HoT COLLEGE HOTTIE💎 ░ 💎 ░ FiRST ✈ CLASS PLAYMAT☜ 👑 ::: 💯% ReaL !░ 5 🌟 STAR SerVice ! ░ - 23
(Medford, Medford .Ashland.White City.Grant Pass)
Busty DD'z ★ ——— SUPER SEXY BLoNDE BoMBSHeLL ! ——— ★ Busty DD'z - 21
(Medford, Sexy Medford incalls now!!)
L.·°¤:K HERE !!! i'LL ((do)) WHAT she ((WON'T)) MEDFORD INCALLS/OUT - 21
(Medford, Bend incalls outcalls everywhere)
↗Incall 🎊🎊SPECIALS🎊🎊↗🍫🍫🍫 Chocolate Delight ☆҉↘↗҉ ☆A Gentleman's Choice . ҉↗☆҉ ҉↗ - 23
(Medford, Medford Incalls)
(((California Beauty ))) Specials all Night ((80)) Spanish Italian ((100)) 100% real pics - 19
(Medford -Incalls outcalls sd area)